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About Janakalyan
Janakalyan is one among very few NGOs in the country accredited by Credibility Alliance, New Delhi for good governance, accountability and transparency standards. Janakalyan believes in empowerment and sustainability strategies and all its programs are designed with these core principles. is pleased to award “Advanced Level – GuidestardIndia GOLD” for Accountability and Transparency maintained at all levels to its highest standards.
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Beneficiaries Served
Women Served
Farmers Reached
Person Trained on WASH
Children Supported
Entrepreneurs Created
Renewable Energy reach out
Person Vaccinated
Beneficiaries Served

Janakalyan Publications is known for publishing various Important Report

An annual report is a comprehensive document that summarizes a company's activities and financial performance over the past year
Audit reports are formal documents that present the findings of an audit. They assess the accuracy of an organization’s financial statements and compliance with regulations.
Progress reports are documents that provide updates on the status of a project or initiative. They are used to communicate developments, challenges, and next steps to stakeholders.
Presentations are structured ways to communicate information to an audience, often using visual aids like slides
We Serve
We serve 4 holy mothers viz. Manavimata (woman), Bhoomata (soil), Gangamata (water) and Gomata (animals)

Manavimata (mother woman)
Mother is the most important person in life of human being
In ancient India, women occupied a very important position, in fact a superior position to men. It is a culture whose only words for strength and power are feminine -“Shakti” means “power” and “strength.” All male power comes from the feminine. In Vedic times women and men were equal as far as education and religion was concerned. Women participated in the public sacrifices alongside men. However, in recent days inequality exists in the society due to various known as well as unknown factors.
The bond that you develop with your mother can never be severed. You grew as an organism inside her for nine months. She carried you and sustained you, sharing her sustenance with you through your umbilical cord. When you are born the cord is severed; but it is never severed in her heart: that bond lasts forever. As you grow up you make your own circle of people and may come to forget that woman who brought you on this earth, nurtured and loved you. But remember this, she will never forget you and never stop loving you.
O mother, you gave me everything, but you never ask me to pay back. You are the best, the greatest woman in this world and in my heart! As a cultured human being, I have a role to play towards your wellbeing, though one can never give back what you have given us, but still, this is just an effort towards this direction.

Bhoomata (mother earth)
Mother Earth is the sacred place; it gives air, water, food and what not in addition to space for our safe living.
Next to the mother, earth has the greatest contribution on human being by providing us an environment for our survival. It gives everything a human being needs, food, shelter and clothes but in return we give her nothing but the wastes. Mother earth converts all such wastes into its food again to provide a neat, clean and safe environment to its beloved children like us.
One has the moral responsibility to save the earth not for the well being of mother earth but for the benefits of oneself. Soil erosion, soil degradation, salinity, alkalinity, deforestation, stagnation, non-decomposable usage, inorganic farming, etc. are the diseases to mother earth. Global warming and climate change are the result of these acts of human being.
Mother earth, you gave me everything but you never ask me to pay back. As a cultured human being, I have a role to play towards your well being, though one can never give back what you have given me, but still this is just an effort towards this direction.
Gangamata (mother water)
Water is life; quality and quantity in rural India is an issue that need attention of all individuals
Give water to the farming communities, they will feed the nation; like a house to an urban family, a water harvesting structure is important for a rural farming family. Therefore, we preach the farmer to excavate a water harvesting structure in their farm instead of building a house for their children.
Water conservation, ground water recharge, more crop per drop, water budgeting, judicious application of water for cultivation, irrigation management, water recycling, rainwater harvesting, rooftop water harvesting, etc. are some of the efforts of Janakalyan to ensure quality and quantity of water for drinking as well as irrigation.
Mother Ganga (water), you protect my life but never ask me to pay back. As a cultured human being, I have a role to play towards your well being, though one can never give back what you have given me, but still this is just an effort towards this direction.
Gomata (mother animal)
Animals, especially the cows are most important animals in present day Indian agriculture context
Cow represents the Divine Mother that sustains all human beings and brings them up as her very own offspring, much as a mother shows the highest mark of affection for her young. In fact, cow milk is substitute for mother milk in adverse situation, cow dung is used for soil health improvement, and cow urine is used for plant protection. It is in this conception that the cow is understood as Kamadhenu, the wish filling mythical cow. In the present days agriculture scenario of India, farming is difficult without cow.
Hence to take care of this innocent and self-sacrificing animal is a matter of moral duty. Considerations of conscience aside, it was natural that in a predominantly agricultural and pastoral country like India, cows were and to some extent still are, considered to be the real wealth of the people. After all it is the cow that gives birth to the bulls, bulls that are harnessed to plough the fields and to provide transportation. And then of course, there is the mild-milk that is cultured to become yoghurt–yoghurt which is churned to produce butter–butter which is converted into ghee or clarified butter that in India is used as cooking medium. In addition to this, there is paneer or cottage cheese and butter-milk. Indians cannot forget khoya and mana – the other milk derivatives used in preparation of sweets. No wonder the cow is considered the backbone of rural society.
Mother Cow, you protect me and my earth mother but never ask me to pay back. As a cultured human being, I have a role to play towards your well being, though one can never give back what you have given me, but still this is just an effort towards this direction.

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To serve our 4 holy mothers, Janakalyan has designed 7 tools as framework of interventions

E1 - Empowerment - Jan Sanghatan
- There is a great need to organize the rural masses, especially the extinct community like refugees, to mainstream them with local communities.
- With this objective Janakalyan started (Women Development & Empowerment Program) promoting SHGs of women and also men in the year 1997. Janakalyan has rich experience in formation as well as training on the concept of Self-Help Group. It has its own innovative model of SHG and more than 1000 members (both women and men) have been brought under the umbrella of SHGs in two District of Karnataka under this program. It has also formed the Cluster Level Federation of SHGs, which was made independent after 3 years of nurturing. Janakalyan was the member (NGO nominee) of Swarnajayanthi Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) District Co-ordination Committee chaired by the CEO, Zilla Panchayat, Raichur. It has a trained & experienced team in this field which is again the strength of the organization. It is now in the 12th year of its field experience. All other programs of Janakalyan are channeled through these institutions. Janakalyan is also member of PlanetFinance micro credit forum at the Global level.
- GNAN is an initiative of Janakalyan to make the SHG intervention sustainable. GNAN (Garibi Nirmoolan Avartan Nidhi) being the umbrella organization for all these SHGs, satisfies the credit requirements of all the members and also intervene in the social sectors to take care of issues concerning women and their children.
- GNAN is an initiative of Janakalyan to make the SHG intervention sustainable. GNAN (Garibi Nirmoolan Avartan Nidhi) being the umbrella organization for all these SHGs, satisfies the credit requirements of all the members and also intervene in the social sectors to take care of issues concerning women and their children.
E2 - Employment - Jan Krishi
- Problem Analysis: The central & major cause of prevailing poverty in Indian villages is agriculture becoming loss-making enterprise. Land is the only source of income and it needs to be preserved for the future generations too. All tail ends of irrigation projects are exposed to a peculiar problem i.e. two extremes of water availability. During rainy season, when the upper reach farmers don’t want water for irrigation and also the runoff gets generated out of excess rain, they leave it through the canal which inundates the standing crops of tail end farmers. In the peak season, when the water is seriously in need by the tail end farmers, it is being completely used by the upper reach farmers leaving inadequate quantum after satisfying their needs, thereby causing drying up of standing crops again at the tail end.
- Secondly, chemical-heavy agriculture caused pests immunization and has left degraded soil with salinity & alkalinity issues for the farmers. Under this circumstance, whatever is grown by the farmers faces least value in the market.
- Can pukur be an alternative? If a farm-pond (Pukur in Bengali) is constructed to store surplus water, which inundates cropped-land in rainy season & is otherwise a waste, may be applied for Life-saving irrigation in peak season to avoid both the losses stated earlier.
- Intensified Integrated Farming System (IIFS) – an answer: But then question came into our mind whether such a Pukur can irrigate all the five acres of land? Our experience is that the whole farm (4-5 Acres) can not be irrigated in the peak season, if planted with agricultural crops. What could the way be out was the next question and the answer to the same is finally got from the experiment is as under-
Out of 5 acres of land, that the farmer is having,
- Excavate a multipurpose Pukur for fisheries, duck rearing and use bund for tree crops ¾ acre
- Grow subsistence crop like paddy with SRI method to meet the food requirement 1 acre
- Grow dry crops for family consumption such as food grain, cereals and pulses 1 acre
- Establish orchard with horticulture crops & vegetables which requires less irrigation ½ acre
- Grow fodder for Ccows which will give manure for soil health improvement ¼ acre
- Organic Agriculture: Degradation of soil is the result of over-dozes of fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation water and need to be checked at the earliest to reduce national wastes. The farmers need to be educated about appropriate method of cultivation preferably organically, which may assist them to reclaim and retain fertility of soil with optimum yield; thus Janakalyan has developed Total Recycling Model to address these issues.
- Responding to these issues and also to leave the land in good condition for future generations, Janakalyan started Participatory Technology Development in Agriculture (PTDA) to promote organic farming for soil health management. Farmers’ Field School (FFS) is another tool used to demonstrate Integrated Pest Management which is for soil & water conservation through Intensified Integrated Farming Systems (IIFS).
- Poverty Alleviation Package for Refugees: PAPR is another approach whereby attempt has been made to develop a habit of integrated farming inclusive of horticulture, fisheries, dairy, vegetables growing, fodder cultivation, dry land agriculture and subsistence crops, etc. Here emphasis has been given on judicious utilization of the water.
- Thus, basically this intervention is trying to address the twin problems of livelihood of these refugees i.e. optimizing profit in agriculture (soil fertility, salinity / alkalinity, pest immunization, chemical heavy cultivation practices, etc.) and providing adequate irrigation.
- System of Rice Intensification (SRI): Janakalyan has mastered the concept of SRI through field experiments and extension activities. SRI is not used only as a tool to enhance productivity of the land but also as a water-saving method and thereby increasing the area under irrigation.
- Strengths: Agriculture is an area of expertise of Janakalyan; it has a set of qualified & trained personnel to innovate technologies for cultivation of various crops with Low External Inputs Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) concept through Participatory Technology Development in Agriculture (PTDA) approach. It has involved in the FAO supported Farmers Field School (FFS) and successfully completed its implementation.
- Sri L Narayana Reddy, a renowned progressive farmer and promoter of SRI in Karnataka visits Janakalyan every fortnight to provide on-farm technical support to the farmers. Sri Subhash Palekar,Father of Zero Cultivation, has also visited the organic farming experiments of Janakalyan and congratulated the team about the success it has achieved in natural farming.

E3 - Environment - Jan Jal
- Acute shortage of drinking water exists in most of the villages in India but could anybody have seen rationing of water @ 1 pot for two persons per day? Janakalyan had to initiate a process of rationing of water from the community pond using printed coupons during the summer, when irrigation canal runs dry.
- Acute shortage of drinking water exists in most of the villages in India but could anybody have seen rationing of water @ 1 pot for two persons per day? Janakalyan had to initiate a process of rationing of water from the community pond using printed coupons during the summer, when irrigation canal runs dry.
E4 - Education - Jan Shiksha
- Child Labor Elimination Program (CLEP) to eradicate the Child Labor issue from the area and provide free & compulsory education to all the children below the age of 14 years.
- Education is the backbone of the Society- Janakalyan believes. It runs regular Schools for the education of poor people, who cannot afford their children’s education in the nearby cities. Despite the availability of the Schools, the parents send their children to fields to EARN instead of Schools to LEARN. To this serious and hazardous issue, Janakalyan responded by opening special Schools for Child Labors, which is in the third year of experiment. Janakalyan has now realized the seriousness of the issue and has planned a full-fledged program to eliminate the issue from the area with multi-pronged activities. It is a Ministry of Labor supported program.

E5 - Entrepreneurship - Jan Udyog
- Rural Entrepreneurship Development Program (REDP) is a program targeted to the educated rural unemployed youths of India. It identifies the potential entrepreneurs and develops their skills and entrepreneurial qualities in them. Finally they set up their own ventures for self-employment. It creates job creators and not job seekers.
- Rural Entrepreneurship Development Program (REDP) is a program targeted to the educated rural unemployed youths of India. It identifies the potential entrepreneurs and develops their skills and entrepreneurial qualities in them. Finally they set up their own ventures for self-employment. It creates job creators and not job seekers.

E6 - Energy - Jan Shakti
- The burden on ecology is increasing day by day, especially because of the rural communities using the fuel wood for cooking.
- Renewable Sources of Energy Harnessing (RSEH) is a program which aims at harnessing the renewable energy sources like solar, biogas, etc. It also reduces the burden on ecology by introducing the improved Chullah, solar cooker and Solar Drier for the rural communities.
E7 - Ensuring health - Jan Raksha
- In this age of competitive world, a family cannot meet all its requirements from a sole occupation like agriculture which is almost a loss-making enterprise at the present context. A farmer also has all those requirements that of a city-dweller, especially in regards to the education of their children. Land does not provide an opportunity to these farmers, if the holding is less than 5 acres without adequate irrigation facility. It is in this context, Janakalyan felt the need to provide subsidiary sources of income generation to the peasant communities which are complementary to agriculture and easy to manage without many technicalities.
- Dairy is considered as a viable Income Generation Activity (IGA) for the area and also suggested by Technical Constancy Service Organization of Karnataka (TECSOK), Bangalore. Dairy Development & Cattle Breed Improvement Program (DDCBIP) is conceptualized to develop a climate resistant breed for the peasant communities. Individual as well as group enterprises are promoted through SHGs mobilizing credit (worth Rs.50,00,000) from Banks and schemes of Government of India such as SGSY.
- It is then felt that without proper backward and forward linkages, no enterprise can become successful and thus designed the following initiatives for the peasant communities-
Arranged credit from various financial institutions for purchase of cows and buffaloes.
Promoted Milk Producers Cooperative Societies in each village and established milk route for collection of milk from the producers.
Set up Artificial Insemination and Veterinary Medical Services in the villages by recruiting qualified veterinary doctors.
Based on its learning from these interventions Janakalyan has developed a model to make the intervention successful under SGSY (Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana) of Government of India.
Our Journey
Foot steps of Janakalyan since its inception in 1997
27th year (2023-24) was the year of Citizenship. After 27 years of struggle with Government of India, finally the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 was implemented by framing it rules by Ministry of Home Affairs. We facilitated the application process and finally got the community to get the citizenship, one of the basic demands of the primary target group of Janakalyan. In addition, the Jal Jeevan Mission and ADB supported Land & Water Management Pilot Study continued during the year.
2023-24 Year of Citizenship
26th year (2022-23) was the year of Land & Water Management. Major interventions were around water and land. Janakalyan was empanelled as knowledge partner by the Government of India for Jal Jeevan Mission, a national flagship program. Similarly, Janakalyan was empanelled by Asian Development Bank for implementation of Land and Water Management Pilot study in Tungabhadra Left Bank Canal.
2022-23 Land & Water Year
25th year (2021-22) was a year of Silver Jubilee; mission mode programs were initiated during the year. Mission No Child Hungry program to support 495 poor children of West Bengal and Karnataka to provide with immunity boosting nutritious food kits, Mission Every Girl in School program to support 357 poor girls to continue their schooling, Mission 10000 Vaccination in 100 Days, etc were commenced during the year. Dry ration kits worth Rs.2750 were distributed to the 946 families.
2021-22 Silver Jubilee Year
24th year (2020-21) was a year of COVID Pandemic. Major focus of the year was relief to victims of COVID 19 and lockdown hit families. About 1016 families were assisted with Rs.5000 each to their bank account. The migrant labors caught in different cities of India due to sudden announcement of lockdown were supported. The frontline workers like ASHA, Anganawadi, Police people were assisted with their personal safety kits.
2020-21 COVID Relief
23rd year (2019-20) was a year of National Integration. Passing of Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 provided our primary target group their deserved status after 73 years of partition of the country. They are sons of this soil but due to a political reason, their nationality was taken away for years and they were living the life of illegal immigrants in their own mother land. Government of India has given back the citizens status by passing historic CAA, 2019. It was celebrated by our primary target groups in a grand way.
2019-20 National Integration
Latest events conducted by Janakalyan captured in our camera by ground team
Events and impacts of our interventions as captured by ground team

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